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Стандартна балансираща група

Standart balacing group

Standart balacing groupCombined balancing group  

Essence:Since 2012 a market model with balancing groups (BG) operates. Each participant on the free market has to predict consumption/production as accurate as possible. The deviation from the forecast is penalized financially. With the introduction of BG a reduction of individual imbalances (surpluses and shortages) of each Member of balancing Group (MBG) is achieved by aggregating amounts for each hour between the members of the BG. In BG hourly amounts are netted between MBGs and for each hour BG is in either excess or shortage of the aggregated quantity. Responsibility for the imbalances of the group lies with the coordinator of BG (CBG) instead of each individual user to be sanctioned separately for their own imbalances.

Introduction: The standard balancing group of Energy MT is one of the first active balancing groups since 01 Sept 2012.

Electricity System Operator: After starting the balancing market all users have estimates for balancing energy only with the coordinator of balancing Group (CBG). CBG assumes all financial obligations of the group to ESO and is responsible to ESO for all payments.

Allocation of imbalances:CBG distributes the imbalances of the balancing group proportionally among its participants, according to a specified CBG methodology. For this purpose CBG prepares settlements to provide information to the MBG for their participation in the total imbalance of the group and information about their individual imbalances after aggregating quantities. For customers who are unable to predict their consumption, Energy MT EAD offers delivery of electricity at a fixed price including cost of balancing.

Participation in Energy MT’s BG: Energy MT EAD as a CBG offers also only the service balancing, i.e. it is not necessarily for the customer to be a client for supply of electricity to the company. The direct customers of the company with contracts for supply and are members of BG receive better conditions for balancing.

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